Saturday, October 6, 2012

We're Arndt kids and like everyone else on the planet we love to eat, but what we love even more is cooking and baking what we eat and drink.  It's rare that two or more days pass without us chatting ( or emailing, texting, facebooking, etc) about what we cooked the day before, a new recipe we found, a funky ingredient or a new restaurant we checked out.

Our love of the kitchen came from our mom Bonnie, who was lucky enough to work from home during our younger years and spent every afternoon preparing dinner for the family. We were always lending a hand, and as we got older we took on some of the cooking ourselves when we had time between piano lessons, soccer practice, homework, yadda yadda.  Our lives have all gone in different directions and we have different and exciting things in our lives that inform and influence our cooking. Shawn and I now live in the south (Texas and Florida respectively) and Sheila is holding down the fort in WI, where we all were born and raised. Shawn and I are workout junkies ( although with baby #2 on the way for me, I sneak in plenty of junk food these days) and Sheila is a full time PhD student and TA who tends a mean bar (actually about 3 different bars) and therefore is in charge of cocktails at every family get-together.

Hope u enjoy!

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